Human Growth Hormones and Height Increase

Human growth hormone in short called HGH, is a kind on protein based poly-peptide hormone which is responsible for the stimulation and growth of cells in the human body and this affects their ability to generate. Pituitary glands which are present on the base of the brain are responsible for the production of HGH. The HGH levels are high at the times of childhood and they tend to peak by the time we reach puberty. Due to this reason doctors and professionals who face problems of growth disorders in children try to treat those disorders with the help of HGH.

Human desire to have increased height

There are several people in this world who desire to increase their height and look taller. The reason for this may be many as being taller gives us a feeling of strength to us, which in effect increases our confidence and also make us look more attractive to others. There is one more fact that having a better height can make us look thinner. This is the reason that the number of people who want to increase their height are growing in number with every passing day.

Human growth hormone and height increase

Human growth hormone as discussed above is the substance which is responsible for the cell growth in our body, thus in effect this is the substance which controls growth of bones also. So, it can be safely said that if you want to increase your height and grow taller than increasing the levels of HGH in our body can make a lot of difference. The only rider with this technique is that it will be effective in giving you the desired results only till the age of 21 years and after that age despite the consumption of HGH the chances of you getting  taller are quite grim. 

1.       Ways of increasing the levels of human growth hormones to achieve height increase:

  • Injection: There are several ways of increasing the levels of human growth hormones in your body and one of the very popular method is that of with the help of an injection. But using injection is very costly as the cost may run into several hundred dollars a year, also this method of increasing Human growth hormone can be dangerous in some cases. But there are other ways of increasing HGH also.  
  • Reducing Estrogen Level: Reducing the levels of Estrogen in your body can be very helpful for you in increasing the growth in your body and thereby increasing your height. This is because Estrogen is the substance that is responsible for the closing of plates which in turn stops us from growing further. One more fact useful to know here is that, it is because of high Estrogen levels in women that they are lesser grown than men. Thus having lesser estrogen levels can increase your height. Several methods are there which can actually help you in achieving your goal of reducing Estrogen levels and thereby increasing HGH levels in your body to become taller. All the details mentioned above are fully backed by various research and studies that have been carried out on this subject in the past several years by several famous scientists in their desire to find a way to grow taller.
  • Foods that increase HGH: Several research in this field has found out that protein rich food items help in stimulating the pituitary gland to produce more HGH in our body. Thus consuming food products that are rich in amino acids can be taken in more quantity, as it is amino acids that are the building blocks of all proteins and thus also stimulate the increase in protein content which is related to high HGH secretion. But as it is common that there are several proteins that come packaged with high levels of fat, it is wise for you to choose proteins that don’t have high fat content and thereby only gives your body protein and not fat content. So, some of the food items that fulfill these criteria are almonds, yogurt, lean cuts of beef, eggs, chicken, quinoa, tuna and tempeh.
2.       Get Good Sleep:

Yes, it is very important to get a good amount of sleep for your body. This may be hard to believe but it is true that a good amount of sleep helps in the increased production of HGH in the body. Research has proven that the production of Human growth hormones is higher during the first 2 hours of sleep. Thus a good sleep not only gives rest to your body but it also helps you grow taller.

3.       Do Exercise:

It is very important for you to do Cardio vascular exercises minimum five times each week. With the help of the exercises that aid in the purpose of height increase, you can also increase the amount of HGH levels in your body. The most effective exercises to do in these conditions are weight training exercises, you can also go for sprints of high intensity, also bar hanging can aid you in getting good results. The strengthening of your abdominal and back muscles can help you get better results from of your exercises. You must remember at these exercises have been chosen after doing research and are proven to show good results in increasing the human growth hormone levels in your body if you do them properly. Remember also that, the higher is the intensity of the workout that you are doing, better is the results that you will get. Doing exercise multiple times have shown increases in the levels of HGH secretion in 24 hours. It is being assumed by scientists that this is due to lactic threshold, but they are yet unsure of it.


It has been proven by various research and studies that the proper use of increasing Human Growth Hormones in your body can result in several benefits for the health of your body. One of those prominent benefits is height increase, but there are certain precautions that must be taken by you and discipline must be followed while taking any such step to increasing Human Growth Hormones in your body.

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