How Yoga Can Help You be Taller and Improve Your Posture

Yoga is an ancient Indian way of simple exercises that can be done in the comforts of your home without the need of any other instruments. The effectiveness of this exercise technique in helping people to reduce weight, stress, anxiety, etc. has been well known globally. However many people don’t know that yoga can be used to increase their height and help them have a better body posture. There are other things also which you can do to get better posture like sleeping on your back straight and changing your posture of sitting. Remember that exercises can get you fast results but to keep those results sustainable you need to maintain healthy physical habits.

Why posture is important

Having a good posture can help your body in reaching its full potential height. There are several reasons for having an improper posture; most are due to the work culture that we are following these days. Due to constant hours spent sitting on desk or working on computer has led to improper postures among many people. Having bad posture can increase the pressure on your back muscles which can lead to further back problems.

How improving posture can make you taller

Doing the exercises of yoga can help in improving your posture and this will make you look thinner and taller and this will also gain you confidence about your looks. You can achieve all this by doing some exercises that will be discussed in this article.

How yoga can help

Through the various stretches and positions which you will do in the various exercises of yoga you will grow taller. The reason for that is these stretches will help in decompressing the muscles of your back. There are always downward pressures that are subjected on your back due to gravity which are hurdles for increase in your height. These exercises will lengthen the cartilage in your joints and back and also make them thicken. This growth in the joints and cartilage will result in the increase of height.

Some exercises that can help improve posture and increase height

  • Tadasana or Mountain Pose: This exercise may seem to be easy and simple exercise to do but it is not. The main thing is to maintain symmetry of your body while doing this exercise. When you will start to do it first time you will tend to push your chest forward and shoulders back, this is because you will be compensating your slouched posture. With practice you will find the right posture for exercise which will need you to maintain an unbiased and symmetrical posture though midline of your body.

  • Variation of Standing Forward Bend: This exercise can be great in opening up your shoulders and for stretching hamstring. While doing the exercise when your hands are behind your back try to stretch your chest as much as possible so it will increase the openness of your chest.

  • Bridge Pose: This exercise again helps in opening the chest and shoulders which are the two areas which are responsible for bad posture. This exercise also increases the strength of your back.


Yoga is known for its exercises that have very smooth movements and that is why are good for body. Chances of having any injury to your body due to yoga are always very less. But still you must follow precautions and while doing these exercises it is always better to take some proper guidance. Breathing control is very important while doing yoga and this can affect the results that you will be getting. But remember that exercises can only help if you do them in proper way.

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