Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a natural therapy which as its origins in China. In this therapy a tiny needle which is hair-thin is inserted into specific parts of the body. This insertion of needle is supposed to trigger the natural healing process of the body.

Benefits of Acupuncture in Modern Medicine

Acupuncture is used in modern medicine for the effective treatment of many diseases like headache, back pain, sports injuries and migraines. But there are more benefits of this therapy which exceeds from its use in cases of pain relief. This therapy is also used for treatment of insomnia, anxiety, menstrual problems, infertility, digestive problems, weight control and many more problems.

What is Cosmetic Acupuncture?

Cosmetic acupuncture is a non-surgical process which is very effective in reducing the signs of aging. The technique used in this therapy is no different than usual acupuncture. But in this therapy the hair-thin needle is inserted on the face. This insertion of needle results in the stimulation of the production of collagen, which results in the filling out of lines and providing firmness to the skin. This also results in getting a healthy skin with glowing complexion. Basically by this acupuncture the energy points of the body are manipulated to balance the Qi and eliminate blockages from the channels of blood.

Effects and Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture

This therapy can help you in reducing at least five to ten years off your face. After this therapy the deeper lines look much softer and fine lines are completely eliminated. This therapy can be also useful if you are trying to get rid of double chin, dark circles, sagging skin, puffy eyes, dropping eyelids. Some other benefits of this therapy are:

  • Better circulation results in higher oxygenation of the skin
  • Production of collagen is increased
  • Pores are tightened and you can see the increase in brightness of eyes
  • Acne in the skin is kept under control
  • Muscle tone is relaxed
  • Your skin gets a healthy complexion and a natural glow due to the nourishment it gets from the therapy
  • Your skin is moisturised from the inside and this results in rosy cheeks in the people who previously had dull looking skin

Who Can Benefit from This Therapy?

Anybody who wants to look younger and delay the process of aging in a natural way can take this therapy. There are no side effects of this therapy. There is a general doubt among people that whether after taking Botox this therapy will work or not? This therapy will surely work on people who have taken Botox and will not reduce the effect of Botox. Rather it will enhance its effects and at least save you a couple of injections of Botox per year.


Cosmetic acupuncture is a safe and easy way of reducing wrinkles and lines from your face. This therapy is a time tested therapy with Chinese queens using it to stay young thousands of years ago. These days celebrities like Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Cher, use this therapy to look younger and get a glowing skin. This therapy has no-side effects if performed by a well-trained professional.

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